Saturday, January 3, 2015

3D Photorealistic Rendering – Breathe Life into Pictures

3D Photorealistic rendering, as the name implies, in a process where photographs of specific objects or people are digitally enhanced to add a third dimension to them. Essentially, what it means is that normally a photograph only has two dimension, and by using various software and techniques, a digital artist adds a third dimension to the photographs as to bring them to life, or closer to reality. Normally, 3d photorealistic rendering are commonly used in the architecture industry since architects and civil engineers need to plan out the construction in advance and they need to present a model of the final product before the product is completed.

But there is another dimension to 3d photorealistic rendering. And this dimension not only involves adding the third dimension, it involves creating an entire picture by using digital tools. The final product might look like a photograph taken with a camera, but in reality, the entire image was created using a combination of software. This niche is believed to be a technological extension of photorealism. Traditional photorealism was about painting a subject in a way that it looks like a real photograph. This art gained prominence in the late ‘60s with the help of the United States art movement.

The main reason why this form of art was applauded was because photographs were slowly replacing paintings since cameras are better at capturing a moment than a painter. Nowadays, photorealistic 3d images are easily rendered by using software and computer programs and are the used for various purposes. This technique has allowed architects, civil engineers, and digital artists more freedom since they are now not limited to a photograph, but can come up with creative interpretations of what they think the final outcome should look like.

The only thing artists and other people responsible for creating photorealistic 3d rendering is required to do now is to study nature and let their imagination run wild. But the most important part of this art is paying attention to detail as it is the details that makes a 3d photorealistic rendering truly fantastic, especially the lighting, the textures, the form and structure.

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